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How to Maintain Your Septic System During Winter

Joseph Coupal - Friday, February 15, 2019
Morse Engineering and Construction Industries, LLC - Septic System in Sturbridge, Fiskdale, MA

Winter is considered as a harsh season for your septic system. As a responsible homeowner, you have to make sure that you perform the following to have a functional septic when snow starts to fall:

Pump out your septic tank on a regular basis.

Follow your regular pump out schedule for your septic before or during winter.

This will eliminate the accumulated sludge in the septic tank. When the sludge is removed regularly, solid waste particles will not flow into the drain field and clog the entire system.

Remove trees and other hardwood plants over or near your septic system.

Having a garden is great but make sure that you plant away from your septic.

Roots of hardwood and higher plants are invasive. They penetrate into the system and block the normal flow of the wastewater treatment process. Roots also damage the components of the septic, resulting to wastewater leaks, backups, overflows, and flooding.

Do not treat your drains and toilets as garbage cans.

Dispose of your waste properly.

Do not dump grease and non-biodegradable materials into your toilets and drains. These substances cannot be broken down by the resident bacteria. As a result, they will only accumulate and clog the system.

Do not use harsh chemicals for cleaning.

These chemical compounds kill off the resident bacteria.

Without bacteria, there will be no wastewater treatment at all. Use eco-friendly cleaners instead.

Refrain from driving over your septic or from building any structure over it.

The heavy weight of these structures and vehicles will result to snow and soil compaction, which presses the snow into the ground more.

Place a good layer of mulch over your septic.

You can do this if you know that your septic has poor plant cover and is very prone to freezing over.

Conserve water.

You can do this by using your dishwasher and washing machine alternately, not using the tub every day, and taking showers.

Your septic system is an indispensable component of your entire property. Care for it well so that you will have it functioning optimally during winter.

For more information, contact Morse Engineering and Construction.

Keep Your Septic System Functioning in Winter

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, February 06, 2019
Morse Engineering and Construction Industries, LLC - Septic Systems in Sturbridge, Fiskdale, MA

As a home or business owner, you know that there are various components that need to run smoothly and safely in your property. One of the main things to consider is your septic system. A home and a business has a wastewater treatment system of their own. The septic system is your cleaner and sanitizer for your location. It isolates the toxic raw wastewater from your living environment. It makes sure that your household stays safe and healthy. Your septic is responsible for collecting, treating, and purifying the produced wastewater before it releases it into the surrounding environment again. With the help of your wastewater treatment system, you don't wade in filth, get sick, or have contaminated drinking water. This is why you have to make sure that your septic is functional, even during winter. Harsh cold weather can take a toll on your septic. Your job is to help it do its work efficiently, even if the snow sets in.

Common Freezing Issues with Septics

There's nothing worse than having your septic freeze over during winter. Below are some of the most common freezing issues that septic owners face as winter sets in:

No protective cover from snow. Your septic system needs an insulating cover or blanket.

The tank and the drain field, mound, or trench, should all have this cover to trap heat inside the system. As you know, there are resident anaerobic bacteria in the septic tank that break down the solid waste materials and treat the raw wastewater that your household produces. The heat maintains a high level of metabolism among the bacteria. If you don't provide a good snow cover, the frost will go deep into the septic components, eventually freezing the entire system.

Soil compaction. This is caused by placing heavy vehicles and structures over the septic system.

When this happens, the septic underneath freezes more easily, resulting in damaged septic parts and eventually a failed system.

Snow compaction. Snow that is compacted insulates poorly.

When you drive over the septic, you compact the snow and this pushes the snow even deeper into the septic. Always use insulated pipes in your septic so that your septic system will still be insulated, even if you drive over your septic in the winter.

Long intervals of not using the septic. This often happens to various cabins or homes that are not always used during the weekend.

It also takes place in homes where there are only one or two inhabitants. Wastewater does not enter the septic system regularly to prevent it from freezing.

Not enough plant cover. This usually takes place during the fall when there are new septic systems installed.

Not enough plant cover is established before winter. The vegetative cover helps insulate the septic and also aids in holding the snow.

Leaks in the plumbing system. If there are leaks, the small amounts of water that enter the septic will easily freeze the system over.

The water discharged by humidifiers and furnaces also add to the moisture because of the discharge that they release in small amounts.

Poor drainage in the pipes. When pipes are deteriorated, full of back-filled soil, or poorly installed, water tends to accumulate on one side and this liquid freezes over.

Make sure that the wastewater drains out of the pipe.

System is waterlogged. The septic becomes water logged when it is failing hydraulically.

The water that goes to the side will freeze and this will prevent the next batch of wastewater from being treated.

For more information, contact Morse Engineering and Construction.

Don't Let the Septic System Freeze

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, January 31, 2019
Morse Engineering and Construction Industries, LLC - Septic System in Fiskdale, Sturbridge, MA

Lack of snow cover and dropping temperatures can spell trouble for homeowners with septic systems.

Snow helps to insulate septic systems and keep them from freezing. Unfortunately, a lot of our snow cover has melted and temperatures across the state are dropping.

Here is a list of seasonal tips for homeowners on how to prevent septic system freeze-ups as the winter season progresses and how to deal with them should they occur:

  • Place a layer of mulch 8 to 12 inches thick over the pipes, tank, and soil treatment system to provide extra insulation. This can be straw, leaves, hay or other loose material that will stay in place and not become compacted. This is particularly important for new systems that were installed so late in the year that vegetative cover didn't get established. However, if the system is currently frozen, don’t add mulch now; it will delay thawing in the spring.
  • Use water—the warmer the better—if you’re worried your system is starting to freeze. Spread out your laundry schedule so you run one warm/hot load a day. Use the dishwasher and take hot baths. Do not leave water running all the time—this will overload the septic system.
  • Going away for an extended period? Have someone use warm water in the home regularly or pump out your tank before leaving.
  • Fix any leaky plumbing fixtures or appliances in your home. This will help prevent freezing problems and help your system perform better all year.
  • Keep all vehicle, animal, and people traffic off the system. This is a rule to follow all year as compacted snow and soils cause frost to go down deeper and faster. Pay special attention to the area between the house and tank.
  • Keep an eye on your system. If any seeping or ponding occurs, contact an onsite professional to help determine the cause and remedy.
  • Add more insulation to your system. This could include replacing pipe with insulated pipe, adding expanded foam panels over septic tanks, or adding more soil cover.

If your system freezes

If your septic system freezes, Morse Engineering and Construction.

Other methods used to fix a freezing problem include adding heat tape and tank heaters. Cameras can be sent down pipes to determine where freezing is occurring. If the soil treatment system is full of ice, or there is evidence of leaking, skip trying to thaw the lines leading to the treatment area as it cannot accept liquid until the area thaws in spring.

If it’s not feasible to correct a problem, the only option is using the septic tank as a holding tank until the system thaws naturally. Contact a pumper to empty the tank when it starts to fill up. In this situation, reduce water use by limiting the number of toilet flushes, taking short showers, and using the dishwasher at full capacity.

For more information, contact Morse Engineering and Construction.

Septic System Maintenance in Winter

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, January 24, 2019
Morse Engineering and Construction Industries - Septic System Construction

If you have a septic system, it’s important to know what you should and shouldn’t do around that area of the yard and indoors. There is a possibility of a septic system freezing, especially in cold areas with little snowfall. Follow these tips to reduce the chance of costly and stressful damage to your septic system this winter.

Repair leaky fixtures. Dripping sinks, showers, and toilets can result in ice forming in the pipeline between your house and septic tank.

Use hot water. Having warm water flow into the tank regularly will help prevent ice buildup. Pamper yourself with a long bath or shower with the knowledge that you’re helping the septic system!

Keep up the lawn. A healthy, thick lawn of grass or other foliage will help insulate the soil that contains the septic system.

Spread mulch. Place an 8-12 inch layer of straw mulch on top of and around the pipes, tanks, and drain field of the septic system. This will further insulate the ground and help prevent the soil from freezing.

Secure the system. Make sure the tank and pipes don’t have any cracks in them and any caps are still securely in place. Any openings can let cold air into the system.

Keep cars away. Never park any vehicles on top of your drain field. Cars will compact the soil above the septic system, which makes it easier to transfer cold below. They will also prevent insulating snow from covering the area.

If you’ve had troubles with your septic system freezing or other issues in the past, you should get the system checked out by a professional. They can help with problems such as:

Sagging pipes. Pipes that have settled into the ground unevenly will cause water to pool and possibly freeze.

Insulation installation. A sewer professional can install more extensive insulation around the tank and pipes.

Draining the system. A septic tank and pipes periodically need to be pumped and cleaned out. You should leave this task to a professional.

Waterlogged drain field. Older septic systems can cause the drain field to become flooded. In this case, consult with a professional to see what can be done in your particular situation.

Keep your septic system in good shape by getting it checked regularly. In the meantime, keep these tips in mind to help prevent freezing and damage. For more information on septic system inspection and repairs, contact Morse Engineering.


Septic Systems Inspections and Maintenance

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, January 17, 2019
Morse Engineering and Construction Industries - Septic System Construction Fiskdale, MA

Did you know that as a homeowner you’re responsible for maintaining your septic system? Did you know that maintaining your septic system protects your investment in your home? Did you know that you should periodically inspect your system and pump out your septic tank?

If properly designed, constructed and maintained, your septic system can provide long-term, effective treatment of household wastewater. If your septic system isn’t maintained, you might need to replace it, costing you thousands of dollars. And if you sell your home, your septic system must be in good working order.

Why Should I Maintain My Septic System

When septic systems are properly designed, constructed, and maintained, they effectively reduce or eliminate most human health or environmental threats posed by pollutants in household wastewater. However, they require regular maintenance or they can fail. Septic systems need to be monitored to ensure that they work properly throughout their service lives.

Saving money

A key reason to maintain your septic system is to save money! Failing septic systems are expensive to repair or replace, and poor maintenance is often the culprit. Having your septic system inspected regularly is a bargain when you consider the cost of replacing the entire system. Your system will need pumping depending on how many people live in the house and the size of the system. An unusable septic system or one in disrepair will lower your property value and could pose a legal liability.

Protecting health and the environment

Other good reasons for safe treatment of sewage include preventing the spread of infection and disease and protecting water resources. Typical pollutants in household wastewater are nitrogen, phosphorus, and disease-causing bacteria and viruses. If a septic system is working properly, it will effectively remove most of these pollutants.

How Do I Maintain My Septic System

Inspect and pump frequently

You should have a typical septic system inspected at least every 3 years by a professional and your tank pumped as recommended by the inspector (generally every 3 to 5 years). Alternative systems with electrical float switches, pumps, or mechanical components need to be inspected more often, generally once a year. Your service provider should inspect for leaks and look at the scum and sludge layers in your septic tank. If the bottom of the scum layer is within 6 inches of the bottom of the outlet tee or the top of the sludge layer is within 12 inches of the outlet tee, your tank needs to be pumped. Remember to note the sludge and scum levels determined by your service provider in your operation and maintenance records. This information will help you decide how often pumping is necessary.

Four major factors influence the frequency of pumping: the number of people in your household, the amount of wastewater generated (based on the number of people in the household and the amount of water used), the volume of solids in the wastewater (for example, using a garbage disposal increases the amount of solids), and septic tank size.

Some makers of septic tank additives claim that their products break down the sludge in septic tanks so the tanks never need to be pumped. Not everyone agrees on the effectiveness of additives. In fact, septic tanks already contain the microbes they need for effective treatment. Periodic pumping is a much better way to ensure that septic systems work properly and provide many years of service. Regardless, every septic tank requires periodic pumping.

In the service report, the pumper should note any repairs completed and whether the tank is in good condition. If the pumper recommends additional repairs he or she can’t perform, hire someone to make the repairs as soon as possible.

What Does a Septic Inspection Include?

  • Locating the system.
  • Uncovering access holes.
  • Flushing the toilets.
  • Checking for signs of back up.
  • Measuring scum and sludge layers.
  • Identifying any leaks.
  • Inspecting mechanical components.
  • Pumping the tank if necessary.

For more information on Septic Tank Inspections, contact Morse Engineering.


Septic Tank Care and Cleaning

Joseph Coupal - Friday, January 11, 2019
Morse Engineering and Construction Industries - Septic System Construction Fiskdale, MA

The frequency of septic tank cleanings varies depending on the tank size, daily sewage intake and number of people it serves. Generally, septic tanks should be cleaned every 2 years, although it is not recommended as a “do-it-yourself” project.

Periodic pumping of the septic tank between cleanings is considered a homeowner responsibility. The need for pumping is normal and not a deficiency, however if you are in the market for a new home you may want a septic inspection. Failure to have your septic system regularly pumped may cause problems. Vehicles should not be driven or parked over septic tanks or on drainage fields. Trees and shrubbery should not be planted in the drain field either.

For more information on septic systems, contact Morse Engineering.

Happy New Year from Morse Engineering and Construction

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, January 02, 2019
Morse Engineering and Construction Industries - Home Construction

Happy New Year from Morse Engineering and Construction. We would like to thank our clients and our community for allowing our business to be part of your lives in 2018. We wish you a wonderful and prosperous 2019!

If we have had the pleasure of being your for septic or site work, we hope that we provided the highest level of service. If you are in need of septic service or site work in 2019, we hope that you consider Morse Engineering and Construction for your home or business.

It is our sincere wish that in the New Year you are surrounded by warmth, family, and friendship. From all of us here at Morse Engineering and Construction, have a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.

Sincere best regards to you all.

Construction Site Work can be done in Winter

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, December 27, 2018
Morse Engineering and Construction Industries - Home Construction

There is a belief that construction site work cannot be done in the winter, but this is not the case. Others believe that perhaps concrete cannot be poured during the harsh New England winters because it will freeze before it will set. These myths are just that: myths.

With additives for concrete specifically designed to be used during cold weather, we can pour foundations and basement floors throughout the entire winter season with no adverse effects.

Construction site digging work can be done during the winter as long as the ground has been protected before the frost. If you are planning to dig during the winter, protecting the ground before a hard freeze can easily and inexpensively be done by spreading wood chips, hay, straw, or other mulch products. Leaves that have been raked up during fall cleanup are also an option as long as they are 12-18 inches deep. There is no longer a need to wait for the spring thaw to start your new home!

For more information, contact Morse Engineering.

Happy Holidays from Morse Engineering and Construction

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, December 20, 2018
Happy Holidays from Morse Engineering and Construction

Our warmest Holiday wishes from the entire team here at Morse Engineering and Construction. Calendar year 2018 was, and continues to be, a truly remarkable year and we take this moment to recognize the joy that each and every one of you has brought to our personal and professional lives. We exist because of your faith and trust in us.

As calendar year 2019 approaches, we reflect upon the foundational recognition that your success is our success. Our New Year’s wish for 2019 is to nurture our positive and ever strengthening partnership and to deliver ever increasing value to you and your business through the entirety of 2019.

Throughout this Holiday season may you be blessed with health and surrounded by friends and family. All the best! Cheers!

Site Work for Home Construction Can Be Done at Any Time of Year

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, December 13, 2018
Morse Engineering and Construction Industries - Home Construction

Building a new home can be done any time of year. And at Morse Engineering and Construction, we are used to doing site work for new home construction in the winter. So if you have been thinking about building yourself a new home, and you want to take advantage of the mortgage rates before they rise some more, you can! At Morse, we are experienced in site work in Western Massachusetts during all times of year.

We take extra precautions with the ground digging, laying down hay, leaves, wood chips, or other mulch to keep the ground from freezing. Additionally, specially formulated cement is used to pour your new home’s foundation during the winter. You do not need to be concerned about the elements. So take advantage of these mortgage rates before they continue to rise and feel free to start your site work for your new home building project.

Contact Morse Engineering and Construction for more information.