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Thanksgiving Greetings From Morse Engineering and Construction Industries, LLC

- Monday, November 22, 2021
Happy Thanksgiving Day From Thanksgiving Greetings From Morse Engineering and Construction Industries, LLC

Very warm Thanksgiving greetings from all of us at Morse Engineering and Construction Industries, LLC. As business owners, clients, prospective clients, friends and family, and suppliers our sense of appreciation for all of you has never been higher.

Like us, each of you have had unique and serious challenges during the last couple of years, most likely both professionally and personally. We are reflecting upon these challenging times with a “glass half-full” perspective and we hope that you all are doing the same. Each and every one of you has delivered a positive and enduring effect on us and our business as well as on those around you. We hope that in some way we’ve done the same for you.

Wishing you sincere peace and joy this Thanksgiving holiday. While surrounded by family and friends, we take time for positive reflection upon all of life’s blessings, we hope that you do as well. Happy Thanksgiving from everyone here at Morse Engineering and Construction Industries, LLC.

7 Questions Home Buyers Should Ask About the Septic System

- Friday, November 19, 2021
Morse Engineering and Construction - Sepic System

Septic systems generally perform well; however, there are a few things that are good to know about a septic system before you buy a property. Here are suggested questions that could save you thousands of dollars.

Where is the septic tank located?

You may need this information when you have the tank inspected or worked on. Additionally, if you’re thinking about adding an addition to the home; will the tank need to be moved?

Where is the tank lid or riser access to the tank?

Good to know when you want to have the tank pumped or to perform maintenance.

Is there room for a secondary leach field should the existing one fail?

Note that if there was a permit and plans, the plans will normally show the future secondary field. The local building department or health department may have a copy of the plans. Having room for a second leach field is important, should the existing leach field fail.

Where is the filter access located?

Not all tanks have a filter, but if so, knowing where it is will be helpful when you wish to check it or clean it.

If the leach field is a chamber type, is there an inspection port and where is it?

Leach fields that are constructed with a chamber type of leach lines may have an inspection port. An inspection port allows you to monitor and check the water level in the leach field lines.

Was a permit obtained when the system was installed?

If the seller doesn’t know, the local building department or health department may be able to answer the question. They may also have drawings of the tank and leach field location.

How old is the septic system (tank, leach field and filter)?

This helps you to determine if you should anticipate future expenses for repair, maintenance or replacement.

When was the last time the septic tank was pumped?

Also, how often was it pumped out the tank. Did they go 10 years between pumping? Knowing when and how often helps determine how the system may be functioning or demonstrate lack of good maintenance.

What company last pumped the tank?

With this information, you will be able to call them to pump the tank for you should you want and ask questions about the system.

Has the tank ever leaked, been repaired, or has the leach field failed?

If so – who, what, when, where, etc. are good questions. These types of questions may provide additional information on the septic systems condition.

Are there any wells near the tank or leach field, if so where?

Systems that are too near a well can cause water contamination under certain circumstances. Having the well water tested will help answer if there is any cause of concern.


Septic Inspection: Is Seller or Buyer Obligated?

- Friday, November 12, 2021
Morse Engineering and Construction - Septic System Inspection

The person who’s responsible for carrying out the inspection is determined based on where you live. In Massachusetts, it’s the sellers’ responsibility to handle inspections and ensure the septic system is Title V.

Is the seller obligated to fix any septic problems?

The responsibility to pay for septic repairs typically falls to the seller. However, repairs of any kind found at inspection are generally negotiable. Contract terms usually dictate the course of action, but sellers may have such options as doing the repairs themselves, splitting repair costs with the buyer, giving the buyer a closing credit equal to the amount of the repairs, or refusing to do anything. If an agreement on repairs isn’t reached, the buyer does have the legal right to walk away from the transaction.

Don’t forget about disclosure

In all states, sellers are required to disclose any known problems with a home to potential buyers. If there’s a septic issue after closing that the sellers knew about, they will be liable for the entire cost of the repairs.

For more information on septic system inspections and repair, Contact Morse Engineering and Construction for more information.


Septic System Inspection: How Often Should You Get One?

- Monday, November 08, 2021
Morse Engineering and Construction Industries - Checking Septic Tank

Experts say you should get a septic system inspection every three years. But here’s a dose of reality: Most homeowners never get their septic systems inspected unless there is a notable issue, according to Alex Glaser, a real estate agent in Richmond, VA.

But that means homeowners get an inspection only when issues that may signal big trouble arise, such as when the toilet backs up, water takes too long to drain, or there’s an actual septic system leakage. The benefit of doing an inspection every three years is to avoid major problems like these.

The three-year mark is also the maximum amount of time you should let your septic system go without being pumped out.

A problem caught at inspection can save you from having to replace the entire septic system (read: shell out a ton of money). It’s especially important to keep your septic system in good shape if you plan on selling. During closing, a certified inspection will be performed and you don’t want any last-minute surprises.


Don't Let Your Septic System Freeze this Winter

- Friday, November 05, 2021
Morse Engineering and Construction - Septic System in Winter

Winter is on it's way, and it's going to be cold.

There's nothing worse than having your septic freeze over during winter. Below are some of the most common freezing issues that septic owners face as winter sets in:

No protective cover from snow.

Your septic system needs an insulating cover or blanket. The tank and the drain field, mound, or trench, should all have this cover to trap heat inside the system. As you know, there are resident anaerobic bacteria in the septic tank that break down the solid waste materials and treat the raw wastewater that your household produces. The heat maintains a high level of metabolism among the bacteria. If you don't provide a good snow cover, the frost will go deep into the septic components, eventually freezing the entire system.

Soil compaction.

This is caused by placing heavy vehicles and structures over the septic system. When this happens, the septic underneath freezes more easily, resulting in damaged septic parts and eventually a failed system.

Snow compaction.

Snow that is compacted insulates poorly. When you drive over the septic, you compact the snow and this pushes the snow even deeper into the septic. Always use insulated pipes in your septic so that your septic system will still be insulated, even if you drive over your septic in the winter.

Long intervals of not using the septic.

This often happens to various vacation homes that are not always used during the weekend. It also takes place in homes where there are only one or two inhabitants. Wastewater does not enter the septic system regularly to prevent it from freezing.

Not enough plant cover.

This usually takes place during the fall when there are new septics installed. Not enough plant cover is established before winter. The vegetative cover helps insulate the septic and also aids in holding the snow.

Leaks in the plumbing system.

If there are leaks, the small amounts of water that enter the septic will easily freeze the system over. The water discharged by humidifiers and furnaces also add to the moisture because of the discharge that they release in small amounts.

Poor drainage in the pipes.

When pipes are deteriorated, full of back-filled soil, or poorly installed, water tends to accumulate on one side and this liquid freezes over. Make sure that the wastewater drains out of the pipe.

System is waterlogged.

The septic becomes water logged when it is failing hydraulically. The water that goes to the side will freeze and this will prevent the next batch of wastewater from being treated.

Cold air is in the septic.

If you have it uncapped or open, surely cold air will enter the septic and freeze it over.

For more information on septic tank inspection, contact Morse Engineering and Construction.