Soil Evaluation and Septic System Site Q& A

Joseph Coupal - Friday, January 10, 2020
Morse Engineering and Construction Industries, LLC - Septic System in Sturbridge, Fiskdale, MA

My site and soil evaluation is complete. What’s next?

In order to get a permit to install a wastewater treatment system, a layout/design plan must be completed and submitted with the site/soil evaluation report. Based on the soil evaluation report, a layout/design plan must be completed by someone with knowledge of septic system components and local and state health department rules. Roxsol has completed multiple layout/design plans for homeowners and commercial clients. Experienced system installers can also complete the layout plan.

Why do I have to have a site and soil evaluation completed?

New state and local health department rules require that a site and soil evaluation be completed prior to installing a new or, in some cases, a revised septic system. By reviewing and documenting the site and soil conditions, a septic system can be designed to maximize the life expectancy of the installed system.

How do I choose a good home/commercial site?

Finding a good site to build on is a challenge. New septic system rules require that there is leach area available to accommodate a primary AND secondary leach area. Primary area is defined as the area that will be used for the initial system leach area. The secondary leach area is only used if the primary area fails. Most sites will accommodate a wastewater treatment system of some kind, but costs can vary significantly. An ideal site has at least 150’ of available length along the contour, no seasonal or apparent water table, depth to bedrock is greater than 60 inches, no excavation or overhead hazards, slopes less than 15% and15% to 27% clay content in soils. Acreage of 2 or more is usually sufficient to accommodate a residence and the required leach area.

For more information, contact Morse Engineering and Construction.