Septic System Maintenance: Protect Your Investment

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, June 14, 2018
Morse Engineering and Construction Industries - Septic System Construction Fiskdale, MA

One of the best ways to ensure that your septic system will pass inspection is to follow a routine maintenance schedule. You should have the septic system pumped out every three years. If you use a garbage disposal, annual pumping is a must.

A word about septic system additives: There isn't one on the market that can make a failing system pass inspection. MassDEP approves septic system additives, but only to ensure that they will not harm your system or the environment. MassDEP does not check manufacturers' claims about the performance of their products.

Remember that even the best-maintained system in the world cannot last forever. Like anything else, it will wear out over time, stop working properly and need repair or replacement. For more information on septic system inspections, contact Morse Engineering and Construction.
