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When are Title 5 Septic System Inspections Required?

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, May 10, 2018
Morse Engineering and Construction, Fiskdale, MA

Are you considering adding on to your home, or selling and taking advantage of the spring market? If so, you probably have a long "to-do" list. But, one thing you can't overlook if you live in Massachusetts is your septic system. At Morse Engineering and Construction we often have homeowners wondering when Title 5 inspection are required. Here's your answer:

  • Within 2 years before a sale. If weather conditions prevent inspection at the time of a sale, the inspection must take place within 6 months afterward.
  • When there is a proposed change to the facility which requires a building or occupancy permit.
  • Any change in the footprint of a building, to make sure that new building construction will not take place on top of any system components or on the system’s reserve area.
  • For large systems with a design flow of 10,000 to 15,000 gallons per day or more at full build-out, on the basin schedule shown in 310 CMR 15.301(6), and every five years thereafter.
  • Every 3 years for shared systems.
  • When the property is divided, or ownership of 2 or more properties is combined.
  • When MassDEP or the local Board of Health orders an inspection.

Arranging for the Inspection

The property owner or operator is responsible for arranging the inspection. The buyer and seller may change the responsibility for arranging the inspection prior to title transfer, provided that this change is put in writing and that the inspection still occurs within the specified timeframes.

The purpose of the inspection is to determine if the system in its current condition can protect public health and the environment. The inspection does not guarantee that the system will continue to function adequately, or that the system will not fail at a later date. This is particularly important if you plan to increase the flow to the system.

The inspection includes determining the location and condition of cesspools, septic tanks and distribution boxes. Often, this will not require extensive excavation.

For more information on Title 5 Inspections, contact Morse Engineering and Construction.

How to Finance Upgrading Your Septic System

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, May 02, 2018
Septic System Construction - Fiskdale, MA

Substandard septic systems are the primary cause of the deteriorating water quality in area ponds, and an aging septic system can be a fetid accident waiting to happen.

For homeowners who want to upgrade failing septic systems but don’t have the funds, there are several forms of financial aid available.

The Homeowner Septic Repair Loan Program, a co-venture between the Department of Environmental Protection, the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, and MassHousing, offers below-market-rate loans for homeowners with septic systems that don’t meet Title V requirements.

The loans range from $1,000 to $25,000, and interest ranges from 0% to 5%, depending on applicant income. The loans are amortized for a period of three to 20 years, depending on the size of the loan, and must be paid in full if the house is sold, refinanced, or transfered. Rates vary in different parts of the state. A household of two with income below $92,000 can qualify for a loan at 5% interest. A household of three or more making less than $104,000 can also qualify for a loan at 5% interest.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently established a loan program for septic upgrades and other home repairs through its Rural Development Housing Program, known as the Section 504 Home Repair program. Loans are available for low-income homeowners under the age of 62, for up to $20,000 at a 1 percent fixed interest rate for up to 20 years. Homeowners age 62 and older who do not have repayment ability for a loan may be eligible for a grant of up to $7,500. USDA funds can cover all upfront and construction costs, including septic system designs, permits, and installations. Program eligibility is based on household income that cannot exceed 50 percent of the area median income (AMI) and the property must be in a rural community. According to the USDA website, much of Massachusetts qualifies as a rural community.

For homeowners who make too much to qualify for either program, there is the Massachusetts Income Tax Credit, which can provide up to $6,000 in tax credits over four years.

The amount claimed in a tax year cannot exceed $1,500, but any excess credit amount can be applied against the taxpayer’s personal income tax for three years following the year in the credit is claimed. The Title V credit becomes available in the tax year in which the work to repair or replace the failed cesspool or septic system is completed.

For more information on Title V Septic, contact Morse Engineering and Construction.


Selling Your House? Be Sure Your Septic System Passes Title V

Darren Kincaid - Thursday, April 26, 2018
Morse Engineering and Construction Industries - Septic System Construction Fiskdale, MA

About a third of all homes in Massachusetts are dependent upon septic systems, rather than municipal sewer. These include some of the toniest suburbs all the way down the Cape.

While the month of April brings the start of the busy spring real estate market, it also brings lots of rain which can wreak havoc with older septic systems and their leaching fields. Most buyers and their Realtors recoil at the words “Title V” and “fail” and for good reason. The cost to replace a failed septic system can be exorbitant, running upwards of $50,000 in some cases.

Massachusetts septic systems are governed by Title V of the Massachusetts Environmental Code administered by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). These complex regulations govern the inspection, design, construction and operation of septic systems. The rules affect as many as 650,000 Massachusetts homeowners with septic systems.

If you are selling your home, you cannot close without a passing Title V inspection of your septic system, which is good for 2 years.

For reliable Title V septic services, contact Morse Engineering and Construction.

Source: MassRealEstateNews

What Does a New Construction Title 5 Septic System Entail?

Darren Kincaid - Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Morse Engineering and Construction Industries - Septic System Construction Fiskdale, MA

Whether you're building a new septic system or upgrading an existing one, there are Title 5 requirements in Massachusetts that apply to new construction.

Title 5 requirements must be followed in order to prevent damage to the environment and to protect the health of the public. It is always the system owner's responsibility to ensure things are done in accordance with Title 5 regulations. Your local Board of Health can answer any questions you have if you are having a Title 5 system built or expanded. They are the primary regulatory authority for new construction.

For new construction of a system, the first step is to go to your local Board of Health and your local Building Department for permits from both separately.

Before construction may begin, a percolation test and soil evaluation must be performed and a design must be completed and approved by the local Board of Health or other approving authority.

Construction of a typical residential septic system often begins with the installation of a large concrete septic tank a minimum of 10-feet away from the house. The tank is sized to accommodate the amount of wastewater generated daily and often has a 1,500-gallon capacity.

Downstream from the septic tank, a watertight structure known as a distribution box is installed. The distribution box is designed to with distribution lines in the soil absorption system. There are many different types of soil absorption systems such as leaching trenches, perforated pipes set in stone or sand, leaching pits and cement or plastic chambers. The soil absorption system is installed per the approved design.

Once the individual components are installed and connected they must be inspected by the Design Engineer and the Board of Health. After the components are inspected they are carefully backfilled to prevent damage to the new system and the entire disturbed area is graded, covered with loam, and seeded to stabilize the site.

For reliable Title V installation services, contact Morse Engineering and Construction.

Welcome to Morse Engineering and Construction Industries

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Specializing in the design, construction, repair, and replacement of on-site sewage disposal systems in accordance with Massachusetts Title 5 regulations.

In addition to our extensive work in on-site sewage disposal systems, MEC’s expertise and specific capabilities in earthwork, structures, water/wastewater utilities, and drainage are directly applicable to potential work on a variety of projects. MEC is experienced in all facets of excavation and typically self performs site work, erosion control, embankment and riprap, in addition to other associated incidentals.